There are 3 fundamental factors to consider before designing your website.

Step 1 Forget the look (but just for now)

The internet contains many exciting effects so when you start thinking about your website it's easy for your mind to wander off into a world of visual animations and flashy widgets. However, before you are seduced by graphical gimmicks take a step back! At this initial stage it is critical that you remain focused on what you need your website to help your business achieve, and nothing more.

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Step 2 Identify your objectives

The purpose of your website is to fulfill your specific business objectives so refer to the essence of your business plan. Whether you are driving revenue directly through online sales, or using your site to build brand awareness ... your website should be designed to deliver all of these objectives simultaneously. Clearly identify what your objectives are and communicate these needs to your designer.

Step 3 Know your customers

By now you know who your primary customers are and have also identified any other potential markets. Knowing your target market is core to the success of your website. Your audience should dictate the look and feel of the website, not just your personal preferences.

In conclusion using these three very simple steps can dramatically alter the way the end result. Fundamentally you website should effectively drive your business. In addition to this it:%$acute;s important to regularly evaluate your website against your objectives as these will continually change as your business grows.


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